1.中國科學技術大學 微電子學院,安徽 合肥230026; 2.中國科學院蘇州納米技術與納米仿生研究所,江蘇 蘇州215000
摘要: 基于模擬電路的鑒相器雖然響應速度快,但是很難達到較高的精度,并且開發周期長不易優化。為了可以實時檢測MEMS器件諧振時微小的相位變化,提出一種基于FPGA的高精度鑒相器。該鑒相器主要是由數字混頻器、FIR數字濾波器、DDS信號發生器以及模數轉換電路組成。鑒相方法是通過將被測信號與一同頻、相位可調、且初始相位為90°的參考信號混頻,并通過高階FIR濾波器提取與相位有關的差頻信號,調節參考信號相位使得此差頻信號趨近于0,則此參考信號的相位調節量即為被測信號的相位。鑒相器的時鐘頻率為100 MHz,鑒相精度可以達到0.000 1°。工作頻率靈活可調,并且應用于鎖相環中時,可以很方便地與MEMS器件的驅動電路兼容。
中圖分類號: TN763.3
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 董淑豪,吳東岷. 基于FPGA的高精度鑒相器實現[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(10):57-60,78.
英文引用格式: Dong Shuhao,Wu Dongmin. Realization of high precision phase detector based on FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(10):57-60,78.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 董淑豪,吳東岷. 基于FPGA的高精度鑒相器實現[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(10):57-60,78.
英文引用格式: Dong Shuhao,Wu Dongmin. Realization of high precision phase detector based on FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(10):57-60,78.
Realization of high precision phase detector based on FPGA
Dong Shuhao1,Wu Dongmin2
1.School of Microelectronics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China; 2.Suzhou Institue of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics,Suzhou 215000,China
Abstract: Although the response speed of the phase detector based on analog circuit is fast, it is difficult to achieve high precision, and the development cycle is long and difficult to optimize. In order to detect the tiny phase change of micro-electro-mechanical system(MEMS) devices in real time, a high-precision phase detector based on field programmable gate array(FPGA) is proposed. The phase detector is mainly composed of digital mixer, finite impulse response(FIR) digital filter, direct digital synthesis(DDS) signal generator and analog digital converter conversion circuit. The phase detection method is to mix the measured signal with the reference signal with the same frequency, adjustable phase and initial phase of 90°, and extract the phase related difference frequency signal through high-order FIR filter, adjust the reference signal phase to make the difference frequency signal close to 0, then the phase adjustment amount of the reference signal is the phase of the measured signal. The clock frequency of the phase detector is 100 MHz, and the phase accuracy can reach 0.000 1°. The working frequency is flexible and adjustable. When it is used in PLL, it can be easily compatible with the driving circuit of MEMS devices.
Key words : FPGA;FIR;phase detector;DDS;MEMS
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微機電系統(Micro-Electro-Mechanical System,MEMS),體積小、功耗低、諧振頻率高、光學特性好[1],在醫療、軍事、科研等領域得到廣泛應用。在MEMS微振鏡的同步控制過程中,傳統的模擬鑒相器很難達到較高精度,并且模擬鑒相器開發周期長,不易優化。基于現場可編程門陣列(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)的數字鑒相器可以大大提高鑒相精度[2],并且靈活可調,方便實現MEMS微鏡的同步控制。
(1.中國科學技術大學 微電子學院,安徽 合肥230026;
2.中國科學院蘇州納米技術與納米仿生研究所,江蘇 蘇州215000)