孫 瑜,洪 宇,王炎玲
摘要: 目前針對工業控制系統的安全風險與日俱增,傳統“封堵查殺”的防護技術難以有效應對當前所面臨的安全威脅,急需一套更適合工控系統環境的安全解決方案。結合我國自主創新的可信計算3.0關鍵技術,提出一種基于TPCM可信根的適用于工業控制系統的主動免疫防護方案,通過對關鍵節點的可信構建使工業控制系統防護更加透徹,安全處理融洽一致,為工業控制系統構建主動免疫防御能力,使之能夠有效識別和防御未知威脅。
中圖分類號: TP393.08
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.03.003
引用格式: 孫瑜,洪宇,王炎玲. 基于TPCM可信根的主動免疫控制系統防護設計[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.03.003
引用格式: 孫瑜,洪宇,王炎玲. 基于TPCM可信根的主動免疫控制系統防護設計[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,
An active immune protection design for industrial control system based on trust root of TPCM
Sun Yu,Hong Yu,Wang Yanling
(Beijing Huatech Trusted Computing Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100195,China)
Abstract: With the rapid development and application of industrial information, cybersecurity risks are increasing. The traditional "blocking and killing" protection technology is difficult to deal with the current security threats. There is an urgent need for a more suitable industrial control system environmental security solution. This paper combined with our country′s independent innovation of trusted computing 3.0 key technology, and proposed an active immune protection scheme based on the root of trust of Trusted Platform Control Module(TPCM) for industrial control systems. By constructing key trust nodes, it enhances the protection capabilities of industrial control systems, and handles security incidents in a harmonious and consistent manner, which builds active immune defense capabilities for industrial control systems, and can effectively identify and defend against unknown threats.
Key words : trusted computing 3.0;trusted platform control module;PLC;industrial control system;active immune defense
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孫 瑜,洪 宇,王炎玲