周永忠1,洪 晟2,姜義初1,顧 爽3,李 雷1,劉 亮1,高欣妍3,陰宏偉2,岳天羽2
1.北京智芯微電子科技有限公司 數字芯片設計中心,北京100192; 2.北京航空航天大學 網絡空間安全學院,北京100191; 3.北京航空航天大學 未來空天技術學院/高等理工學院,北京100191
摘要: 中央處理器在工業控制領域起到重要作用,其正常工作是工業控制中的重要穩定運行保障。主要研究中央處理器的安全測試與自修復相關技術。從故障注入到故障測試再到自修復,對相關安全技術作了比較介紹與分類總結,包括硬軟件的故障注入技術、掃描鏈、內建自測試、TSV等故障測試方法,以及以替代修復和容錯自修復技術。最后提出中央處理器安全協同模型,對各個技術的基本原理和創新點做出歸納總結,為未來中央處理器的故障處理技術發展提供安全設計全參考,在保證安全和性能的同時降低成本和能耗,助力工控設備安全穩定運行。
中圖分類號: TN409
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 周永忠,洪晟,姜義初,等. 中央處理器安全測試與自修復技術研究[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(9):39-43,49.
英文引用格式: Zhou Yongzhong,Hong Sheng,Jiang Yichu,et al. Research on integrated circuit safety test and repair technology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(9):39-43,49.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 周永忠,洪晟,姜義初,等. 中央處理器安全測試與自修復技術研究[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(9):39-43,49.
英文引用格式: Zhou Yongzhong,Hong Sheng,Jiang Yichu,et al. Research on integrated circuit safety test and repair technology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(9):39-43,49.
Research on integrated circuit safety test and repair technology
Zhou Yongzhong1,Hong Sheng2,Jiang Yichu1,Gu Shuang3,Li Lei1,Liu Liang1, Gao Xinyan3,Yin Hongwei2,Yue Tianyu2
1.Beijing SmartChip Microelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd.,Digital Chip Design Center,Beijing 100192,China; 2.School of Cyber Science and Technology,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China; 3.School of Future Space Technology/Higher Institute of Technology,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China
Abstract: Central processing unit(CPU) plays an important role in industrial control field. Its normal operation is an important security guarantee for industrial. This paper mainly studies the security test and self-repair technology of CPU. From fault injection,fault testing to self-healing,this paper compares and summarizes the related safety technologies, including hardware and software fault injection technology, scan chain, built-in self-testing, TSV and other fault testing methods, as well as alternative repair and fault-tolerant self-healing technologies. Finally, the CPU security cooperation model is proposed, and the basic principles and innovation points of each technology are summarized so as to provide safety reference for the development of CPU fault handling technology in the future, reduce cost and energy consumption while ensuring safety and performance, and help industrial control equipment operate reliably and stably.
Key words : CPU;integrated circuit;fault injection;safety test;self-repair;safety-cooperation model
0 引言
周永忠1,洪 晟2,姜義初1,顧 爽3,李 雷1,劉 亮1,高欣妍3,陰宏偉2,岳天羽2
(1.北京智芯微電子科技有限公司 數字芯片設計中心,北京100192;
2.北京航空航天大學 網絡空間安全學院,北京100191;
3.北京航空航天大學 未來空天技術學院/高等理工學院,北京100191)