網絡安全與數據治理 3期
崔富鑫,王 輩,劉 焱,李 葉
(合肥本源量子計算科技有限責任公司,安徽 合肥230000)
摘要: 近些年,隨著量子計算的發展,以Shor算法為首的量子算法展現了對公鑰密碼體制的嚴重威脅。研究者們一方面研究量子算法對公鑰密碼的攻擊實現,一方面著手后量子密碼算法的過渡遷移。就此議題,首先介紹幾類常用的公鑰密碼算法和相關量子攻擊算法。其次,重點介紹Shor算法以及量子優化等算法攻擊公鑰密碼算法的國內外研究現狀,特別是對RSA和ECC的攻擊實現以及當前存在的困難。最后,結合當前公鑰密碼量子攻擊的研究進展以及后量子密碼的發展,對產學研的未來發展規劃作出了一些建議與展望。
中圖分類號: TP309
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.03.001
引用格式: 崔富鑫,王輩,劉焱,等. 公鑰密碼的量子攻擊研究現狀與展望[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2022,41(3):3-12.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.03.001
引用格式: 崔富鑫,王輩,劉焱,等. 公鑰密碼的量子攻擊研究現狀與展望[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2022,41(3):3-12.
Research status and prospect of quantum attacks in public-key cryptography
Cui Fuxin,Wang Bei,Liu Yan,Li Ye
(Hefei Origin Quantum Computing Technology Co.,Ltd.,Hefei 230000,China)
Abstract: In recent years, with the development of quantum computing, quantum algorithms led by Shor′s algorithm have shown a serious threat to the public key cryptography. On the one hand, researchers study the implementation of quantum algorithms on public key cryptography attacks, and on the other hand, they begin to establish post-quantum cryptographic algorithm standards. On this issue, this article firstly introduces several commonly used public-key cryptographic algorithms and some quantum algorithms. Secondly, it focuses on the current research status of public-key cryptographic algorithms attacked by Shor′s algorithm and quantum optimization algorithms, especially the attack implementation of RSA and ECC and the current difficulties in implementation. Finally, combined with the current research progress of public key cryptography attacks under quantum computing and the development of post-quantum cryptography, some suggestions and prospects are made for the future development planning of research institutes.
Key words : public-key cryptography;RSA;ECC;Shor algorithm;quantum optimization algorithm
0 引言
公鑰密碼體制是密碼學史上一類極為重要的發明,它將數學、計算機與密碼學緊密結合,并解決了對稱密碼體制的三大問題:密鑰分發、密鑰管理和提供不可否認服務。自1976年Diffie與Hellman[1]提出公鑰密碼的思想以來,密碼學家設計了多個具有代表性的公鑰密碼算法,如Diffie-Hellman密鑰交換協議、RSA密碼體制、ElGamal加密體制、橢圓曲線密碼體制(Elliptic Curve Cryptography,ECC),這些密碼算法的安全性建立在一些數學困難問題上。
崔富鑫,王 輩,劉 焱,李 葉
(合肥本源量子計算科技有限責任公司,安徽 合肥230000)