王 欣,崔佩璋,陶 杰
陸軍工程大學 石家莊校區,河北 石家莊050003
摘要: 在信息化戰爭中,人機交互在指揮控制裝備中的應用日益廣泛。采用語音識別方式代替鍵盤、旋鈕、按鍵等方式更改電臺參數,使其操作更智能化、更便捷。本系統將LD3320語音識別芯片采集到的語音進行處理,通過主控芯片STM32F407發送相關協議控制電臺的系列操作。通過實驗表明,該系統在語音識別識別率達到95%左右,能實現對電臺的改頻、開關等操作。
中圖分類號: TN98
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 王欣,崔佩璋,陶杰. 基于人機交互的智能電臺系統的設計與實現[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(10):21-24.
英文引用格式: Wang Xin,Cui Peizhang,Tao Jie. Design and implementation of intelligent radio system based on man-machine interaction[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):21-24.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 王欣,崔佩璋,陶杰. 基于人機交互的智能電臺系統的設計與實現[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(10):21-24.
英文引用格式: Wang Xin,Cui Peizhang,Tao Jie. Design and implementation of intelligent radio system based on man-machine interaction[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):21-24.
Design and implementation of intelligent radio system based on man-machine interaction
Wang Xin,Cui Peizhang,Tao Jie
Shijiazhuang Campus of Army Engineering University,Shijiazhuang 050003,China
Abstract: In information warfare, the application of man-machine interaction in command and control equipment is increasingly widespread. Voice recognition method is used to replace keyboard, knob, key and other ways to change the parameters of the radio station, so that the operation is more intelligent and convenient. The system processes the voice collected by LD3320 speech recognition chip,and sends related protocols to control the serial operation of the radio station through the main control chip STM32F407. The experiment shows that the recognition rate of the system is about 95%, and it can realize the operation of radio frequency change and switch.
Key words : speech recognition;STM32F407;human-machine interaction;LD3320
0 引言
1 總體設計
王 欣,崔佩璋,陶 杰
(陸軍工程大學 石家莊校區,河北 石家莊050003)