江 蓓,岳桂君,周 欣
重慶郵電大學 通信與信息工程學院,重慶400065
摘要: 為應對智能電網發展要求,國家電網正在研究寬帶微功率技術,旨在提高電網通信的傳輸速率和實時性。為保證協議開發的準確性,需要進行一致性測試,確保后期各產商生產的寬帶微功率設備能夠互聯互通。因此,設計了一種針對寬帶微功率MAC層的一致性測試系統,并詳細講解了系統的軟硬件設計。最后對系統的功能和性能進行驗證,驗證結果表明,該一致性測試系統已滿足各項要求,可實現對寬帶微功率MAC層的一致性測試。
中圖分類號: TN915
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 江蓓,岳桂君,周欣. 寬帶微功率MAC層一致性測試系統設計與實現[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(10):48-53.
英文引用格式: Jiang Bei,Yue Guijun,Zhou Xin. Design and implementation of MAC layer conformance test system of broadband micro-power[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):48-53.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 江蓓,岳桂君,周欣. 寬帶微功率MAC層一致性測試系統設計與實現[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(10):48-53.
英文引用格式: Jiang Bei,Yue Guijun,Zhou Xin. Design and implementation of MAC layer conformance test system of broadband micro-power[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):48-53.
Design and implementation of MAC layer conformance test system of broadband micro-power
Jiang Bei,Yue Guijun,Zhou Xin
School of Communication and Information Engineering,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065,China
Abstract: The State Grid of China is researching broadband micro-power technology to response the development requirements of smart grid and improve the transmission rate and real-time performance of grid communication. In order to ensure the accuracy of the protocol development, a conformance testing should be conduct to ensure that the broadband micro-power equipment produced by various manufactures can be interconnected. Therefore, a conformance testing system for the MAC layer of the broadband micro-power was designed in this thesis and the hardware and software design of the test system were explained in detail. Finally, the system was verified from function and performance. The verification results show that the conformance testing system has met all the requirements and can realize the conformance testing of the MAC layer of the broadband micro-power.
Key words : broadband micro-power;conformance test;MAC layer;test system
0 引言
用戶用電信息采集系統是智能電網完成用電數據采集、電網狀態監測等功能的實現載體[4],該系統的本地通信方式主要有RS485通信、電力線載波通信、微功率無線通信等[5-6],但隨著電力需求的快速增長,這些通信方式已難以滿足保證海量數據安全、信號高速傳輸、網絡升級靈活的要求[7]。因此,國家電網開始研究寬帶微功率(Broadband Micro-power,BMP)無線通信技術,該技術具有高帶寬、高速率、高穩定性等優點,可實現數據的高速和高實時性傳輸。
江 蓓,岳桂君,周 欣
(重慶郵電大學 通信與信息工程學院,重慶400065)