鐘志浩1,芮 錫1,李從周1,袁 斌2
1.中國西南電子技術研究所,四川 成都610036;2.電子科技大學 電子科學與工程學院,四川 成都611731
摘要: 設計了一種適用于機載垂尾頂部安裝的超短波一體化天線,實現了天線與天線罩結構和性能上一體化。對一體化和分離式兩種形式的超短波天線進行了研究,采用曲流和匹配加載技術實現了天線的寬頻帶工作特性,在工作頻帶內實測駐波比≤2.5,相較于分離式天線,一體化天線解決了天線與天線罩之間的加載耦合效應而導致天線增益下降的問題,在全頻帶增益提高了約2 dB,重量降低了1.9 kg,天線性能得到全面提升。
中圖分類號: TN82
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 鐘志浩,芮錫,李從周,等. 機載垂尾超短波一體化天線的設計[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(10):103-107.
英文引用格式: Zhong Zhihao,Rui Xi,Li Congzhou,et al. Design of aircraft vertical tail V/UHF integrated antenna[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):103-107.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 鐘志浩,芮錫,李從周,等. 機載垂尾超短波一體化天線的設計[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(10):103-107.
英文引用格式: Zhong Zhihao,Rui Xi,Li Congzhou,et al. Design of aircraft vertical tail V/UHF integrated antenna[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):103-107.
Design of aircraft vertical tail V/UHF integrated antenna
Zhong Zhihao1,Rui Xi1,Li Congzhou1,Yuan Bin2
1.Southwest China Institute of Electronic Technology,Chengdu 610036,China; 2.School of Electronic Science and Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,China
Abstract: In this paper, a V/UHF integrated antenna suitable for installation on the top of aircraft vertical tail is designed, which realizes the integration of antenna and radome in structure and performance. The integrated and separated V/UHF antennas are studied. The wide-band operating characteristics of the antenna are realized by using the meandering and matching technology. The measured standing wave ratio in the operating frequency band is less than or equal to 2.5. Compared with the separated antenna, the integrated antenna solves the problem of antenna gain reduction caused by the coupling effect between the antenna and the radome. By using the integrated antenna, the gain is increased by about 2 dB in the full band, the weight is reduced by 1.9 kg, and the antenna performance is comprehensively improved.
Key words : wide-band;V/UHF;integrated;airborne antenna;radome
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鐘志浩1,芮 錫1,李從周1,袁 斌2
(1.中國西南電子技術研究所,四川 成都610036;2.電子科技大學 電子科學與工程學院,四川 成都611731)