中圖分類號:TN402 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.245990 中文引用格式: 鄧新偉,楊尚爭,毛佳烽,等. 一種應用乒乓自歸零的高精度放大器[J]. 電子技術應用,2025,51(3):49-53. 英文引用格式: Deng Xinwei,Yang Shangzheng,Mao Jiafeng,et al. A high-precision amplifier using ping-pong auto-zeroing[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2025,51(3):49-53.
A high-precision amplifier using ping-pong auto-zeroing
Deng Xinwei,Yang Shangzheng,Mao Jiafeng,Hu Weibo,Ren Liru
College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering, Nankai University
Abstract: This paper presents the design and implementation of a low-offset, high-gain operational amplifier (op-amp). The overall circuit consists of a bandgap reference, oscillator, frequency divider, auxiliary op-amp, and main op-amp. By employing a ping-pong auto-zeroing architecture, the circuit achieves continuous operation while significantly reducing the input offset voltage of the amplifier. Furthermore, this paper proposes a novel and efficient control timing scheme that effectively reduces the settling time during ping-pong switching at a relatively low cost, further minimizing the output glitches of the amplifier. The amplifier chip was designed and fabricated in a 350 nm CMOS process. Measurement results demonstrate that under a 5 V supply voltage, the amplifier consumes 0.65 mA current, achieves a maximum input offset voltage of 3 µV, provides a gain-bandwidth product of 8 MHz, and exhibits a noise spectral density as low as 30 nV/√Hz.
Key words : low-offset;ping-pong;auto-zeroing;amplifier
隨著互補金屬氧化物半導體(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, CMOS)工藝的不斷發展,CMOS憑借其便于集成以及成本低等優點,逐漸成為了主流工藝。但是CMOS放大器受失調電壓(1~10 mV)、溫漂以及1/f噪聲的影響,無法滿足高精度應用的要求。通常在電路設計上解決上述問題有兩種技術:斬波技術和自歸零技術[1-2]。采用斬波技術會在放大器的輸出端引入紋波,如果放大器后面驅動模數轉換器(ADC),這種紋波在ADC采樣時會產生較大的誤差,除非采樣和斬波同步發生在紋波的過零點[3]。隨著斬波技術的發展,文獻[4-7]分別展示了不同的方法來減小紋波。但所有這些方法有一個共同的缺點:當輸入被調制時,即使放大器是無失調偏移的,它們有限的帶寬也將引起切換瞬變,而在放大器的輸出處解調時,切換瞬變會變成毛刺。而自歸零相比斬波而言,由于沒有調制解調過程,不會產生紋波[8]。但由于采樣作用,自歸零是一種不適用于連續時間工作的技術。當需要連續時間操作時,則需要使用乒乓結構[9],其中兩個自歸零放大器彼此并聯運行,一個自動調零,一個用于放大信號。此外放大器在乒乓切換過程中,一般采用兩相非交疊時鐘控制切換時序[10],但這樣會在放大器的輸出引入毛刺。