摘 要:在高速實時信號處理" title="實時信號處理">實時信號處理系統中常采用FPGA" title="FPGA">FPGA+DSP" title="DSP">DSP的架構,根據各自的優點,FPGA主要做前端信號處理和系統控制。本文結合具體工程項目,分析設計如何將中頻正交采樣(DDC" title="DDC">DDC)在FPGA中實現 ,FPGA如何與TS201實現高速鏈路口通信,以及多路信號并行實時處理在FPGA中的實現。
Real-time multi-channel high-speed signal processing system design based on FPGA
XIAN Youlun, LU Hulin, SU Tao
(Key Lab for Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xi′an, 710071, China)
Abstract: In high-speed real-time signal processing systems are often used FPGA + DSP architecture .In accordance with their respective advantages, FPGA is often used as front-end signal processing and system control. This paper for specific projects, analysis of how to design IF orthogonal sampling (DDC) in FPGA implementation, how to achieve FPGA communication with the TS201 use link-port, and multiple real-time signal parallel processing in the FPGA to achieve.
Key words: Multi-channel; DDC; Real-time signal processing; link-port Communication; FPGA