1.深圳職業技術大學粵港澳大灣區金融財稅法治化研究中心; 2.深圳職業技術大學經濟學院
摘要: 公共數據授權運營作為新型要素的配置方式,以市場手段實現數據價值,深度賦能新質生產力高質量發展。探尋公共數據授權運營賦能新質生產力的關鍵,在于自上而下地開展體制機制與組織機構設置。“數據確權授權”與“公共數據開放”雙重理論路徑,有效提取公共數據授權運營的主體與職能、運營模式選擇、數據安全保障、數據產品的權屬等賦能要點,歸納出公權主導與合理限制的意義及作用、平等原則與公開原則等理論要求。提出建立健全公共數據授權運營全流程的安全保障體制機制、以公益性目的界定公共數據產品及衍生數據財產權屬的制度建議。
中圖分類號:D912.29文獻標識碼:ADOI:10.19358/j.issn.2097-1788.2025.01.012引用格式:宋嘉俊,李悅. 公共數據授權運營賦能新質生產力的理論闡釋和制度拓補[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2025,44(1):72-76.
Theoretical explanation and institutional expansion of public data authorization and operation to enable New Quality Productivity
Song Jiajun1,Li Yue2
1.Research Center on the Nomocracy in Finance and Taxation in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area, Shenzhen Polytechnic University; 2. School of Economics, Shenzhen Polytechnic University
Abstract: As a new type of factor allocation, public data authorization and operation realizes the value of data by market means, thus deeply empowering the high-quality development of new productivity. The key to exploring public data authorization and operation to empower new quality productivity lies in the top-down institutional mechanism and organizational setup. The dual theoretical paths of "data rights authorization" and "public data openness" effectively condense the subjects and functions of public data authorization and operation, the choice of operation mode, data security, data product ownership and other keys to empowerment, and summarize the meaning and role of the domination and reasonable restrictions of public rights, the principle of equality and the principle of openness. It also summarizes the significance and role of the dominant public right and reasonable restriction, as well as theoretical requirements such as the principles of equality and openness. It proposes to establish a sound institutional mechanism to ensure the security of the whole process of public data authorization and operation, and to define the property rights of public data products and derived data for the purpose of public welfare.
Key words : public data; authorized operations; New Quality Productivity; data security; data ownership