鄒可欣1,陳彥光2,時金橋1,徐 睿3
1.北京郵電大學 網絡空間安全學院,北京100876; 2.OPPO廣東移動通信有限公司,廣東 東莞523860;3.華北計算機系統工程研究所,北京100083
摘要: 為了應對仿冒域名攻擊,一種可行的思路是主動查找所有的仿冒域名,查看這些域名的使用情況,為此需要先針對受保護的域名生成所有可能的仿冒域名。在針對仿冒域名構造類型研究的基礎上,設計和實現了一種仿冒域名生成工具,該工具包含基于規則的仿冒域名生成模塊和基于LSTM神經網絡的前后綴仿冒域名生成模塊。經過實際的測試,證明由這種LSTM神經網絡所生成的仿冒域名詞綴和正常的詞綴類似。
中圖分類號: TN711
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 鄒可欣,陳彥光,時金橋,等. 基于深度學習的仿冒域名生成工具[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(7):108-112.
英文引用格式: Zou Kexin,Chen Yanguang,Shi Jinqiao,et al. Typosquatting domain name generator based on deep learning[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(7):108-112.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 鄒可欣,陳彥光,時金橋,等. 基于深度學習的仿冒域名生成工具[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(7):108-112.
英文引用格式: Zou Kexin,Chen Yanguang,Shi Jinqiao,et al. Typosquatting domain name generator based on deep learning[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(7):108-112.
Typosquatting domain name generator based on deep learning
Zou Kexin1,Chen Yanguang2,Shi Jinqiao1,Xu Rui3
1.School of Cyberspace Security,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876,China; 2.Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Co.,Ltd.,Dongguan 523860,China; 3.National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China,Beijing 100083,China
Abstract: For coping with typosquatting domain name attacks, a feasible idea is to actively find all typosquatting domain names and check the usage of these domain names. To this end, all possible typosquatting domain names need to be generated for the protected domain names. Based on the research on the types of typosquatting domain names, this paper designs and implements a typosquatting domain name generation tool. The tool includes a rule-based typosquatting domain name generation module and an LSTM neural network based on domain name suffix generation module. After practical tests, it is proved that the typosquatting domain name affixes generated by this LSTM neural network are similar to normal affixes.
Key words : domain names;typosquatting;LSTM;domain name generation
0 引言
鄒可欣1,陳彥光2,時金橋1,徐 睿3
(1.北京郵電大學 網絡空間安全學院,北京100876;
2.OPPO廣東移動通信有限公司,廣東 東莞523860;3.華北計算機系統工程研究所,北京100083)