周閱天,許曉航,謝偉良,陳建剛,李志軍,李 皛
摘要: 動態頻譜共享(Dynamic Spectrum Sharing,DSS)技術在同一頻段內為不同制式的通信技術動態、靈活地分配頻譜資源,這種技術在快速部署5G網絡、實現4G向5G平滑演進、利用低頻段實現5G網絡廣覆蓋等方面具有重要意義。雖然DSS在多數情況下通過靈活分配頻譜資源可以提高頻譜資源利用率,但引入DSS技術的同時,也帶來了額外的頻譜開銷。介紹了目前主流的DSS技術方案與相應的開銷計算方法,通過對比引入DSS技術前后的開銷損失來分析各種DSS技術方案的優缺點,總結歸納出主流技術方案的額外開銷。
中圖分類號: TN929.5
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 周閱天,許曉航,謝偉良,等. 動態頻譜共享技術的方案與開銷研究[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(9):1-6,13.
英文引用格式: Zhou Yuetian,Xu Xiaohang,Xie Weiliang,et al. Research on technical scheme and cost of dynamic spectrum sharing[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(9):1-6,13.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 周閱天,許曉航,謝偉良,等. 動態頻譜共享技術的方案與開銷研究[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(9):1-6,13.
英文引用格式: Zhou Yuetian,Xu Xiaohang,Xie Weiliang,et al. Research on technical scheme and cost of dynamic spectrum sharing[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(9):1-6,13.
Research on technical scheme and cost of dynamic spectrum sharing
Zhou Yuetian,Xu Xiaohang,Xie Weiliang,Chen Jiangang,Li Zhijun,Li Xiao
China Telecom Intelligent Network and Terminal Research Institute,Beijing 102209,China
Abstract: Dynamic spectrum sharing(DSS) technology allocates spectrum resources dynamically and flexibly for different communication technologies in the same frequency band. This technology is of great significance in the rapid deployment of 5G network to realize the smooth evolution from 4G to 5G, and the realization of 5G network wide coverage by using low frequency band. Although DSS can improve the utilization of spectrum resources by flexibly allocating spectrum resources in most cases, the introduction of DSS technology also brings additional spectrum cost. This paper will introduce the current mainstream DSS technology scheme and the corresponding cost calculation method, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various DSS technology schemes by comparing the cost loss before and after the introduction of DSS technology.
Key words : dynamic spectrum sharing(DSS);static spectrum sharing(SSS);5G network evolution;spectrum resources;cost calculation
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隨著無線設備數量指數級增加,人們對頻譜資源需求的急劇增長,頻譜共享技術(Static Spectrum Sharing,SSS)隨之而來。實現頻譜共享技術的方式最早是靜態頻譜共享,該技術是在同一頻譜段內給不同制式的通信技術分別分配專用的載波。SSS技術相當于在同一頻段內以頻分復用(FDD)的方式使用兩種通信技術,這種方案簡單透明利于實現,但當其中一種通信制式用戶數量較少的情況下將會造成大量的頻譜資源浪費[1]。
周閱天,許曉航,謝偉良,陳建剛,李志軍,李 皛