杭州電子科技大學 新型電子器件與應用研究所,浙江 杭州310000
摘要: 傳統生豬體溫測量一般使用水銀溫度計測量生豬直腸溫度來確定體溫,該方式不能做到對生豬體溫的實時監測。系統設計了一種基于物聯網技術的生豬體溫監測系統。采用ESP8266作為主控制器和無線通信模塊,溫度傳感器使用MF54系列的NTC熱敏電阻,軟硬件上采用非平衡橋電路和平均值濾波法,使得測量數據的精度達到±0.1 ℃。因生豬具有活動性,監測節點集成在豬耳標上,通過采集耳腔溫度來實現體溫的實時監測。平臺層使用移動OneNET物聯網平臺,開發了移動端應用作為監測系統的顯示終端。系統實現了對生豬體溫的實時監測,對生豬疾病預防和智能化養殖有一定的應用價值。
中圖分類號: TN371;TP29
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 許宏為,秦會斌,周繼軍. 基于WiFi的耳標式生豬體溫監測系統設計[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(9):64-68.
英文引用格式: Xu Hongwei,Qin Huibin,Zhou Jijun. Design of ear tag type pig temperature monitoring system based on WiFi[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(9):64-68.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 許宏為,秦會斌,周繼軍. 基于WiFi的耳標式生豬體溫監測系統設計[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(9):64-68.
英文引用格式: Xu Hongwei,Qin Huibin,Zhou Jijun. Design of ear tag type pig temperature monitoring system based on WiFi[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(9):64-68.
Design of ear tag type pig temperature monitoring system based on WiFi
Xu Hongwei,Qin Huibin,Zhou Jijun
Institute of New Electron Device & Application,Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310000,China
Abstract: Traditional pig temperature measurement generally uses a mercury thermometer to measure the rectal temperature of the pig to determine the body temperature. This method cannot achieve real-time monitoring of the pig temperature. The system designed a pig temperature monitoring system based on the Internet of Things technology. The ESP8266 is used as the main controller and wireless communication module. The temperature sensor uses MF54 series NTC thermistor. The software and hardware adopt unbalanced bridge circuit and average filtering method, so that the accuracy of the measured data reaches ±0.1 ℃. Due to the activity of live pigs, the monitoring node is integrated on the ear tag of the pig, and the real-time monitoring of the body temperature is achieved by collecting the ear cavity temperature. The platform layer uses the mobile OneNET IoT platform, and develops a mobile application as the display terminal of the monitoring system. This system realizes real-time monitoring of pig body temperature, which has certain application value for pig disease prevention and intelligent breeding.
Key words : pig temperature monitoring;NTC thermistor;OneNET platform;ESP8266;WiFi
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(杭州電子科技大學 新型電子器件與應用研究所,浙江 杭州310000)