劉俊卿,劉 進,肖龍忠
武漢船舶通信研究所,湖北 武漢430205
摘要: 為了解決組成復雜、功能多樣、貧樣本的系統的綜合效能評估問題,針對系統的效能評估指標體系三層結構,構建了基于灰色理論、RBF神經網絡以及灰色RBF神經網絡的系統效能評估模型,并通過仿真驗證了這種灰色RBF神經網絡模型的精度要高于灰色模型和RBF神經網絡模型,可以準確地對功能多樣、組成復雜但是樣本少的系統進行綜合效能評估。
中圖分類號: TN914;TP391
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 劉俊卿,劉進,肖龍忠. 一種基于灰色RBF神經網絡的系統效能評估方法[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(12):107-110.
英文引用格式: Liu Junqing,Liu Jin,Xiao Longzhong. A method of system effectiveness evaluation based on grey RBF neural network[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(12):107-110.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 劉俊卿,劉進,肖龍忠. 一種基于灰色RBF神經網絡的系統效能評估方法[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(12):107-110.
英文引用格式: Liu Junqing,Liu Jin,Xiao Longzhong. A method of system effectiveness evaluation based on grey RBF neural network[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(12):107-110.
A method of system effectiveness evaluation based on grey RBF neural network
Liu Junqing,Liu Jin,Xiao Longzhong
Wuhan Institute of Ship Communication,Wuhan 430205,China
Abstract: In order to solve the problem of comprehensive effectiveness evaluation of the system with complex composition, diverse functions and poor samples, this paper constructs a system effectiveness evaluation model based on grey theory, RBF neural network and grey RBF neural network according to the three-tier structure of the system effectiveness evaluation index system. The simulation results show that the accuracy of the grey RBF neural network model is higher than that of the grey model and RBF neural network. Through the grey RBF neural network model, we can accurately evaluate the comprehensive effectiveness of the system with various functions, complex composition, few samples.
Key words : index system;efficiency evaluation;grey theory;RBF neural network;grey RBF neural network
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劉俊卿,劉 進,肖龍忠
(武漢船舶通信研究所,湖北 武漢430205)