南京林業大學 機械電子工程學院,江蘇 南京210037
摘要: 隨著電動公交車在城市交通的廣泛應用,充電工作量隨之加大。由于充電功率較大,充電電纜比較粗重,且插拔充電槍需要較大的操作力,人工作業勞動強度較大。采用通用機械臂代替人工實現自動插接充電槍具有廣泛的需求,識別充電插座是實現自動插接的前提。以充電插座為識別目標,提出一種基于Canny算子的亞像素精度輪廓幾何匹配檢測方法,通過Halcon軟件應用圖像處理和機器視覺技術對目標區域進行特征提取與模板匹配,實現充電插座的自動識別。實驗證明,該方法對于有外部光照環境影響具有良好的魯棒性。
中圖分類號: TN29;TP391.4
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 江殿程,蔣雪松,王皖君,等. 電動公交車充電插座識別方法研究[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(7):83-87.
英文引用格式: Jiang Diancheng,Jiang Xuesong,Wang Wanjun,et al. Research on identification method of electric bus charging socket[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(7):83-87.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 江殿程,蔣雪松,王皖君,等. 電動公交車充電插座識別方法研究[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(7):83-87.
英文引用格式: Jiang Diancheng,Jiang Xuesong,Wang Wanjun,et al. Research on identification method of electric bus charging socket[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(7):83-87.
Research on identification method of electric bus charging socket
Jiang Diancheng,Jiang Xuesong,Wang Wanjun,Zhang Xiaohong,Ye Qiaolin
School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China
Abstract: With the wide application of electric bus in urban traffic, the charging work is increasing gradually. As the charging power is large, the charging cable is relatively heavy, and requires a large plug-in force, the labor intensity of manual work is great. It has a wide range of requirements to use general mechanical arm instead of manual to realize automatic plug-in of charging gun. Identifying the charging socket is the premise to realize automatic plug-in. Taking charging socket as identification object, a method of sub-pixel precision contour geometric matching detection based on Canny operator is proposed. Through the application of image processing and machine vision technology in Halcon software, the feature extraction and template matching of the target area are carried out to realize the automatic recognition of charging socket. The experimental results show that the method has good robustness in the case of external light environment.
Key words : charging socket;Halcon;image processing;machine vision;template matching
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(南京林業大學 機械電子工程學院,江蘇 南京210037)