于會群,黃貽海,彭道剛,王宜雪,馬 濤
上海電力大學 自動化工程學院,上海200090
摘要: 隨著信息技術的發展,工業以太網覆蓋率日益提高,工業網絡互聯互通成為現代工廠向智能化、數字化轉型的基礎。首先對我國工業互聯網發展政策、工業網絡市場現狀和工業以太網協議類型進行闡述,分析了目前工業網絡互聯的障礙。其次探索新技術推動工業以太網實現網絡互聯的新方法。最后針對我國工業以太網和工業互聯網的發展現狀,提出建設性意見,助力我國工業以太網的應用和工業互聯網的發展。
中圖分類號: TP273;TP393.11
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 于會群,黃貽海,彭道剛,等. 工業以太網網絡互聯技術與發展[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(4):1-5,11.
英文引用格式: Yu Huiqun,Huang Yihai,Peng Daogang,et al. Industrial Ethernet network interconnection technology and development[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(4):1-5,11.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 于會群,黃貽海,彭道剛,等. 工業以太網網絡互聯技術與發展[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(4):1-5,11.
英文引用格式: Yu Huiqun,Huang Yihai,Peng Daogang,et al. Industrial Ethernet network interconnection technology and development[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(4):1-5,11.
Industrial Ethernet network interconnection technology and development
Yu Huiqun,Huang Yihai,Peng Daogang,Wang Yixue,Ma Tao
School of Automation Engineering,Shanghai University of Electric Power,Shanghai 200090,China
Abstract: With the development of information technology, the coverage of industrial Ethernet is increasing, and the interconnection of industrial networks becomes the basis for the transformation of modern factories to intelligent and digital. Firstly, the paper expounds the development policy of industrial Internet in China, the current situation of the industrial network market and the types of industrial Ethernet protocols to analyze the current obstacles to the interconnection of industrial networks. Secondly, the paper explores new methods for new technologies to promote the interconnection of industrial Ethernet networks. Finally, the paper puts forward constructive suggestions according to the status of industrial Ethernet and industrial Internet to promote the application of industrial Ethernet and the development of industrial Internet.
Key words : Ethernet networks;industrial Ethernet;industrial Internet;network interconnection
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于會群,黃貽海,彭道剛,王宜雪,馬 濤
(上海電力大學 自動化工程學院,上海200090)