華中師范大學 物理科學與技術學院,湖北 武漢 430079
摘要: 隨著使用年限增加,道路出現了不平整等路面損壞情況,急需一種快速、有效的道路平整度檢測設備對道路進行檢測。設計了一種道路平整度檢測多傳感器數據同步采集系統,以FPGA為控制核心,利用GPS輸出的NEMA數據和高穩晶振建立高精度的時間基準,采用A/D采樣的方式進行同步數據采集。為提高系統的抗干擾能力和數據采樣的精度,傳感器信號調理電路采用差分放大和抗混疊濾波設計。實驗結果表明,該系統完成了多傳感器數據高精度同步采集,時間同步精度為微秒級,能夠為評價路面平整度提供高精度原始數據,具有數據采樣精度高、穩定性好、抗干擾能力強、成本低等優點,已在武漢夕睿光電技術有限公司的道路檢測車上得到成功應用。
中圖分類號:TN709;TH761 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.234085
中文引用格式: 陳小宇,陳雪磊. 道路平整度檢測多源數據高精度同步采集[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(2):117-123.
英文引用格式: Chen Xiaoyu,Chen Xuelei. High precision synchronous acquisition of multi-source data for road roughness detection[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(2):117-123.
中文引用格式: 陳小宇,陳雪磊. 道路平整度檢測多源數據高精度同步采集[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(2):117-123.
英文引用格式: Chen Xiaoyu,Chen Xuelei. High precision synchronous acquisition of multi-source data for road roughness detection[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(2):117-123.
High precision synchronous acquisition of multi-source data for road roughness detection
Chen Xiaoyu,Chen Xuelei
College of Physical Science and Technology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
Abstract: With the increase in usage years, road surface damage such as unevenness occurs, and fast and effective road roughness detection equipment is urgently needed to detect the road. In this paper, we design a multi-sensor data synchronization acquisition system for road roughness detection, with FPGA as the control core, using NEMA data output from GPS and high stability crystal to establish a high-precision time reference, and using A/D sampling to synchronize data acquisition of 4 sensors. To improve the anti-interference capability and data sampling accuracy of the system, the sensor signal conditioning circuit is designed with differential amplification and anti-alias filtering. The experimental results show that the system completes the multi-sensor data synchronization acquisition with high precision, the time synchronization accuracy is microsecond level, can provide high precision raw data for evaluating the road roughness, has the advantages of high data sampling accuracy, good stability, strong anti-interference ability, low cost, etc., and has been successfully applied to the road detection vehicle of Wuhan XROE Co., ltd.
Key words : road roughness detection;synchronization acquisition;FPGA;multi-sensor
華中師范大學 物理科學與技術學院,湖北 武漢 430079