摘要: 機電控制系統(tǒng)包含多款芯片,其小型化、輕量化的需求日益迫切,系統(tǒng)級封裝(System in Package)技術作為一種先進封裝手段能夠將多款不同類型的芯片集成于更小的空間中。基于系統(tǒng)級封裝技術,并結合TSV與FanOUT技術設計了一款機電控制SiP電路,該電路包括頂層DSP信號控制單元和底層FPGA信號處理單元,兩者通過PoP(Package on Package)形式堆疊構成SiP電路,相比于常規(guī)分立器件所搭建的機電控制系統(tǒng),該SiP體積縮小70%以上,重量減輕80%以上。針對該款SiP電路設計了相應的測試系統(tǒng),且對內部的ADC及DAC等芯片提出了一種回環(huán)測試的方法,能夠提高測試效率。測試結果表明,該電路滿足設計要求,在機電控制領域具有一定的應用前景。
中圖分類號:TN454 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.245167
中文引用格式: 許文運,張明,鄭利華. 基于先進工藝技術的機電控制SiP電路的設計與測試[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(11):105-108.
英文引用格式: Xu Wenyun,Zhang Ming,Zheng Lihua. Design and test of SiP circuit of electromechanical control based on advanced technology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(11):105-108.
中文引用格式: 許文運,張明,鄭利華. 基于先進工藝技術的機電控制SiP電路的設計與測試[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(11):105-108.
英文引用格式: Xu Wenyun,Zhang Ming,Zheng Lihua. Design and test of SiP circuit of electromechanical control based on advanced technology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(11):105-108.
Design and test of SiP circuit of electromechanical control based on advanced technology
Xu Wenyun,Zhang Ming,Zheng Lihua
No.58 Research Institute, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
Abstract: Electromechanical control system contains many kinds of chips, and its miniaturization and lightweight demand is increasingly urgent. As an advanced packaging method, system level packaging (System in Package)technology can integrate many different types of chips in a smaller space. In this paper, a SiP circuit of electromechanical control is designed based on system-level packaging technology, combined with TSV and FanOUT technology. The circuit includes the DSP signal control unit and the bottom FPGA signal processing unit, which are stacked in the form of PoP to form a SiP circuit. Compared with the electromechanical control system built by conventional discrete devices, the SiP volume is reduced by more than 70% and the weight is reduced by more than 80%. A test system is designed for SiP circuit, and a loopback test method is proposed for ADC and DAC chips, which can improve the test efficiency. The results show that the circuit meets the design requirements and has a certain application prospect in the field of electromechanical control.
Key words : electromechanical control;system level packaging;package on package;high integrate
(中國電子科技集團公司第五十八研究所,江蘇 無錫 214026)