摘要: 數據交易客體權屬配置問題在理論界和實務界的爭論不休,嚴重阻礙了數據交易市場實踐的發展。數據交易的客體具有特殊性,數字經濟的發展態勢要求數據共享,這與傳統所有權要求的直接支配與排他相斥;數據資源的增殖性與礦產資源的消耗性互異;數據產品共享性與知識產權專有性也相悖,現有規則難以滿足數據交易市場的需要。基于數據主權維護與數據的公益屬性,考量數據生產主體提供的資本或者添附的勞動彰顯私益屬性,提出“數據資源的國家所有”與“數據產品的數據生產主體所有”的二元財產制度構造,使我國數據資源的權屬配置以數據產品權利為中心并遵循法律的邏輯進路開展,賦予數據生產主體以數據產品所有權,滿足交易客體所需的權屬明晰標準,為構建統一數據交易市場提供基礎。
中圖分類號:G258;G250文獻標識碼:ADOI:10.19358/j.issn.2097-1788.2025.01.018引用格式:李宏茂. 數據交易客體的權屬配置——從交易客體特殊性談起[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2025,44(1):110-117.
Ownership allocation of data transaction objects——Starting from the particularity of transaction object
Li Hongmao
Jiangxi Hakka Law Firm
Abstract: The ownership configuration of data transaction objects has been debated endlessly in the theoretical and practical fields, which has seriously hindered the development of data transaction market practice. The object of data trading is unique, and the development trend of the digital economy requires data sharing, which is incompatible with the traditional ownership requirements of direct control and exclusivity; The proliferation of data resources is different from the consumptive nature of mineral resources; The sharing of data products is also contrary to the exclusivity of intellectual property rights, and existing rules are difficult to meet the needs of the data trading market. Based on the maintenance of data sovereignty and the public welfare attributes of data, considering the capital provided by the data production subject or the added labor that manifests private interests, a dual property system structure of "state ownership of data resources" and "ownership of data production subject of data products" is proposed, which enables the ownership allocation of data resources in China to be centered on the rights of data products and follow the logical approach of the law. It gives the data production subject ownership of data products, meets the clear ownership standards required by transaction objects, and provides a foundation for building a unified data trading market.
Key words : data trading; object specificity; ownership allocation
數據作為數字經濟時代的生產要素,在國家政策層面上與土地、勞動力等生產要素并列。“大數據越關聯越有價值,越開放越有價值”,數據流通已經成為數字經濟的基礎架構[1]。數字經濟時代,作為生產要素的數據應當在市場交易流通中實現其作為生產資料的價值,通過滿足市場對數據的需求以推動數字經濟的長遠發展。2022年12月19日,《中共中央 國務院關于構建數據基礎制度更好發揮數據要素作用的意見》(以下簡稱“數據二十條”)對外發布,引發社會廣泛探討,探索數據產權結構性分置制度。但針對數據權利歸屬的具體制度設計卻尚付闕如,故對數據權屬配置法律問題有深入研究之必要。