高 成1,李 維1,梅 亮2,林辰正1,黃姣英1
1.北京航空航天大學 可靠性與系統工程學院,北京100191;2.航天科工防御技術研究試驗中心,北京100854
摘要: 在近場電磁輻射測試研究中,還沒有一套完整的面向單個元器件的測試方法。針對此問題,基于表面掃描法對SiP器件的近場電磁輻射測試方法進行研究。第一,利用X光研究SiP器件內部結構并進行干擾源分析;第二,完成硬件、軟件層搭建使器件進入工作狀態;第三,搭建近場測試系統,對工作中的器件實施近場測試。在案例研究中,所用SiP器件內部封裝外圍器件和作為主要干擾源的處理器。近場測試結果顯示,PCB上輻射主要集中在SiP器件周圍,器件近場輻射集中在處理器芯片處。案例研究的結果說明這種測試方法可以有效測量SiP器件的近場電磁輻射,并對器件內干擾源進行分析。
中圖分類號: TN407
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 高成,李維,梅亮,等. 基于表面掃描法的SiP器件近場電磁輻射測試方法[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(7):54-59.
英文引用格式: Gao Cheng,Li Wei,Mei Liang,et al. Near-field electromagnetic radiation test method of SiP device based on surface scanning method[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(7):54-59.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 高成,李維,梅亮,等. 基于表面掃描法的SiP器件近場電磁輻射測試方法[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(7):54-59.
英文引用格式: Gao Cheng,Li Wei,Mei Liang,et al. Near-field electromagnetic radiation test method of SiP device based on surface scanning method[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(7):54-59.
Near-field electromagnetic radiation test method of SiP device based on surface scanning method
Gao Cheng1,Li Wei1,Mei Liang2,Lin Chenzheng1,Huang Jiaoying1
1.School of Reliability and Systems Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China; 2.China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp Defense Technology R&T Center,Beijing 100854,China
Abstract: In the research of near-field electromagnetic radiation test, there is no complete set of test methods for individual components. Aiming at this problem, a near-field electromagnetic radiation test method for System in Package(SiP) devices is researched based on surface scanning method. Firstly, the internal structure of the SiP device is researched by X-ray and the source of interference is analyzed. Secondly, the hardware and software layer is built to make the device work. Thirdly, a near-field testing system is built to implement near-field test of DUT. In the case research, the SiP device used is encapsulated with peripherals and a processor which is the main interference source. The near-field test results show that the radiation on PCB is mainly concentrated around SiP device, and the near-field radiation of device is concentrated at processor chip. Case research results show that this kind of test method can effectively measure the SiP device of near field electromagnetic radiation, and analyze the interference sources inside the device.
Key words : System in Package(SiP);electromagnetic radiation;surface scanning method;near field scanning test
0 引言
21世紀后的電子產品都在追求一個相同的目標:便攜、輕薄。這對現代半導體設備的輕量小型化、綜合化[1]以及高可靠性提出了更高的要求,如何在這方面取得突破也成為微系統領域的一個研究熱點[2]。但技術發展同時也暴露出許多問題:光刻技術受限;散熱、漏電問題;高集成度影響芯片性能;成本問題[3]等。因此研究者們開始著眼于封裝技術,如系統級封裝(System in Package,SiP)。它是指多個有源器件的組合,這些功能不同的器件被組裝在一個單元中,單元提供系統或子系統功能[4-9]。這種具有3D封裝特色的封裝方案[10]不僅極大程度縮減封裝體積,還具有開發周期短、低成本、低功耗、高性能的優點,能提高生產效率,簡化系統開發,提升開發彈性與靈活度,降低供應鏈管理難度,這也使SiP器件在宇航、武器裝備、可穿戴設備以及物聯網等領域里得以廣泛應用[7-8,11-15]。
高 成1,李 維1,梅 亮2,林辰正1,黃姣英1
(1.北京航空航天大學 可靠性與系統工程學院,北京100191;2.航天科工防御技術研究試驗中心,北京100854)